Real Estate & Property Problem
To receive a CASH OFFER for YOUR PROPERTY Fill in the Property Form BELOW or CALL 1-800-642-9949

Contact Information

*Name of Property Owner:
*Home Phone:
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
*Email Address:

Address of Property

Zip Code:
Vacant Land APN Number and Tax ID Number:

Is Land Buildable?

Have Utilities been Approved?
If YES, What Utilities?

Have Utilities been Installed?
If YES, What Utilities Installed?

Is Land Sloped?

Is Land Level?

Is Land Sloped and Level?

Does Land have Many Trees?

Does Land have Hardly Any Trees?

Does Land have Many Rocks?

Does Land have Hardly Any Rocks?

Is Land Easy to Get to?

Is there a Drivable Road to the Lot?

Is the Land Marked?

Is the Land Close to Town?

Is the Land Close to Built Homes?

How many bedrooms?
How many bathrooms?
How many stories?
Lot Size:
Age of property:
Square Ft of property:
Does it have a garage?
If YES, is it attached and what size?

What ad did you see?
Where did you see it?
If the ad was a letter, what is the number and letter on the left hand top of the letter?
Example: 2B


How much did you pay for the property?

How much do you owe on the property?

Do you have any equity?
If YES, how much equity?

Is your mortgage current?
If NO, how many payments are you behind?
How much are your payments?
Total of payments behind?

Have you been notified of an auction date?:
If YES, what is the Date, Trustee Name, Phone Number & Sale #:

Are there more than one Lender?
If YES, how many?
How much do you owe Lender 1?
Name of Lender 1?
How much do you owe Lender 2?
Name of Lender 2?
How much do you owe Lender 3?
Name of Lender 3?

Do you have a FHA, VA, Conventional loan or Do You Own it Outright?

Are there any other liens against the property?
If YES, how many?
How much do you owe to Lein Holder 1?
Name of Lein Holder 1:
Are you behind?
How much do you owe to Lein Holder 2?
Name of Lein Holder 2:
Are you behind?
How much do you owe to Lein Holder 3?
Name of Lein Holder 3:
Are you behind?

Have you filed for Bankruptcy?
If YES, was it Chapter 13, 7 or Both?
If YES, is it completed?

Property Repairs

Roof repair cost?
Kitchen updating cost?
Bathrooms(s) updating cost?
Floor/Carpet updating cost?
Painting cost?
Electrical updating cost?
Plumbing updating cost?
Siding updating cost?
Yard updating cost?
Other updating/repair costs?

HOA Fees, Taxes & Insurance

Do you have HOA Fees?
If YES, how much is it per year?
Are your HOA Fees part of your mortgage payment?
If YES, how much per month?
Are you behind on your HOA Fees?
If YES, how much are you behind?

How much are your Property Taxes per year?
Are your taxes part of your mortgage payment?
If YES, how much per month?
Are you behind on your taxes?
If YES, how much are you behind?

Do you have Home Owners Insurance?
If YES, how much is it per year?
Is your insurance part of your mortgage payment?
If YES, how much per month?
Are you behind on your insurance?
If YES, how much are you behind?


How much do you think your property is worth? $
What is your Asking Price? $
After repairs how much do you feel it will be worth? $
What is the least you will accept? $

Your question or comments:

I will contact you within 72 hours to let you know what I am able to do.

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